Our customer: Laura Metaal

Laura Metaal is a company that has been in the metalworking and metal trading business since 1937. One of the activities at Laura Metaal is sorting leftover metal sheet cuttings that come from Tata Steel. Tata Steel produces large quantities of metal sheets and the leftover metal sheet cuttings go to Laura Metaal. Here, these leftover metal sheet cuttings are sorted by quality, after which they can be returned to the market.

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Laura Metaal - ARCO

What impact has this new installation had at Laura Metaal?

Laura Metaal employs roughly twelve people to sort sheets. Laura Metaal asked us how this could be done more efficiently. In terms of safety and occupational health, improvements were necessary.

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What our customers in the Supply Chain & Internal Logistics sector say about us

‘When you both believe in solutions, great results come naturally.’

Laura Metaal Laura Metaal
Referentie Recycling ARCO
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